Bila Sang Pujangga bermadah kata :
1. The guy will be nice to you.
2. He will tell you that you did well, even if you did horrible.
3. He might make fun of you.
4. He'll want to be your friend.
5. He might compliment you on your hair, even if you wear it that way everyday.
6. He'll stick up for you.
7. He will start hanging out with your friends.
8. He'll flirt with you.
9. He'll call you for no good reason.
10. He'll make eye contact with a happy grin on his face.
1. They always talk about the different varieties of guys.
2. They stare at you with a smile on their face.
3. They always seem to be talking about how nice you are.
4. They laugh at all your jokes.
5. They ask you who you like, continuously.
6. They talk to your friends a lot.
7. They always are flirting with every other guy, except you.
8. They always try to make you jealous.
9. They beg you to do everything for them.
10. They always ask you what to do in a bad situation.
Comment? Anyone?
6 KoMen:
1. The guy will be nice to you.
2. He will tell you that you did well, even if you did horrible.
3. He might make fun of you.
4. He'll want to be your friend.
6. He'll stick up for you.
7. He will start hanging out with your friends.
8. He'll flirt with you.
9. He'll call you for no good reason.
10. He'll make eye contact with a happy grin on his face.
Haihhh! cm kene kt ai jek :-" (dak nih mmg prasan sket :D)
if a guy really likes u.. like really, really, likes u a lot...
eventually, he'll cry for you. (dalam certain2 situations la..)
hahahhaa.. ye ke nih? hurmm... sape2 ade pengalaman???
but then again, Someone who is worth ur tears, will never make u cry. :D
lyark : wahh, semua pon mengena ke lya? hebat tu... jgn kasik lepas... ikat kuat2 kat pokok dpan umah...
tyrark : ai donno coz ai tak pnah buat... :-"
tapi tang ayat terakher tu yg aku suke...
"someone who is worth ur tears, will never make u cry"
sgt meaningful oke!
Someone who is worth ur tears, will never make u cry
KaTe² Tu aKu PeGaNG TeGuH ! aKu aKaN BeNCi LeLaKi Yg BuaT aKu MeNaNGiS ! aKu aKaN TuMBuK Die...BeLaSaH Die...SePaK TeRaJaNG Die...BuNuH Die!!!(KaLo BoLeH)
Tp...PrCaYe x...aKu x MaMPu NaK BuaT SuMe Yg aKu NaK BuaT Tu Kt oRg Yg aKu SaYaNG SbB aKu xLeH BaYaNGKaN iDuP aKu TaNPe Die...
KoMeN Di aTaS Tu xDe uNSuR² JiWaNG oKe !
wanark : huh... sungguh kantoi sekali segala ayatmu itu wahai cik wanak...
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